From the course: Introduction to Career Skills in Software Development

Getting software to customers - Python Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Career Skills in Software Development

Getting software to customers

- Once software is up and running, the next step is getting it to customers. This is one of the most critical aspects of the software development process. Why do I say that? If you can't get the software in users' hands, your project cannot succeed. Worse yet, you fail to adequately protect your software, and it's copied illegally and distributed to non-paying customers. In either case, all of your hard work would've been for nothing. Delivering software to the intended users is known as software deployment. The type of application developed dictates the steps followed during the deployment process. During deployment, the code written by the programmers is packaged, tested, and released, so that the desired customers can use it. I've had the pleasure of developing both web and mobile applications. For modern web applications, the deployment process is highly automated. It could look something like this. The programmer writes new code. The new code is tested, and no bugs are found. Then the code is packaged into the existing project. And then a new executable is produced. An executable is a file or program that computers can run. This executable is then copied to the internet. From there, users can go to the website's URL and benefit from the programmer's changes. Now let's compare this to a typical mobile application. The process is often a mix of automated and manual steps. The programmer writes new code, and before the chosen deployment date, the code is packaged into the existing project. A new executable is then produced. Next, the new executable is given to the tester. The tester manually checks that the recent changes didn't introduce any bugs. Once that's done, the executable is copied to an app store. App stores help protect the executable from illegal copying and provide a mechanism for delivering the changes to users. And whether it's a web or mobile application, the fun (laughs) doesn't stop once customers have the software. The development team will monitor the success of the project based on the actions taken by customers. They will also work to fix any bugs they discover once the software is fully deployed. By investing in a streamlined software development process, companies can respond to customer needs quickly and stay competitive in an ever-changing world.
