From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

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What is a cloud platform?

What is a cloud platform?

- [Narrator] One of the things that makes Boom360 so powerful is that it is a cloud platform. Well what does that mean? Let's take a look. For many years, designers made paper drawings of what they were designing. So their information was stored on paper. Then computers became the tool of choice. So digital drawings were stored on computer drives located there in the office where they worked. Enter the cloud. Thousands of computers and data centers across the globe that are all connected to each other and to us through the internet. This is where we store much of our data now. So what's the advantage? Well we can get our data anytime, anywhere. All we need is a device that's connected to the internet. Boom360 is designed to use data that is stored in the cloud. So to access the data in Boom360, you don't need a roll of drawings, you don't even need a hard drive. You just need a device that's connected to the internet.…
