From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

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Tracking project questions with RFIs

Tracking project questions with RFIs - BIM 360 Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

Tracking project questions with RFIs

- [Eric] So you've seen how RFI workflows are set up in BIM 360. Now let's put one to use with an example. As a quick review, here's our RFI workflow. We've got a Creator, a Manager and a Reviewer. And if you look down below, our creator is Mindy Patel. Let's say she's a subcontractor, she's out in the field installing the things that have been designed, and she may have questions about what she sees in the drawings. I've assigned myself as the manager, so I probably in this role would work for the general contractor. And be the central hub for any RFIs that are requested. And then finally, we've got Greg Rodriguez who is going to serve as our reviewer. Now in a real project there would be many, many potential creators of RFIs. And maybe several managers, and then many, many potential reviewers. All of the different architects and engineers who had input into the design and lots of other roles as well. But to keep…
