From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

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Forge and BIM 360 apps

Forge and BIM 360 apps

- [Instructor] You've already gotten a glimpse of what BIM 360 can do. Well, there's actually more and it's made possible by something called Forge. You may have heard of the term API, or application programming interface. An API is a way for third party programmers to customize a software program or create new programs that enhance or augment it. APIs are quite common and Autodesk has provided APIs for most of its products and BIM 360 is no exception. The name of the API for BIM 360 is Forge and the entire BIM 360 next gen platform was built on it as represented by the gold layer in the image that you're seeing. So what does this mean for you? Well, two things. First, it means that you or your company could potentially customize or enhance BIM 360 to meet your specific needs through the use of Forge. Now to do that, you'd have to have the skills to program in Forge or you'd have to hire someone who can. Second, it…
