From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

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Coordination and clash detection

Coordination and clash detection - BIM 360 Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

Coordination and clash detection

- [Instructor] When multiple teams are designing multiple systems, there are bound to be clashes between systems. How do you find those clashes before they become costly change orders in the field? That's where BIM 360 Coordinate comes in. BIM 360 Coordinate is a simple, but really powerful module of BIM 360. It really just consists of one page. This model coordination page, that you see in front of you. And it also has a very simple setup. If I take you over to BIM 360 document management, you'll see I have a folder here called model coordination. And within that folder are sub folders, maybe representing each individual team working on the project. All I have to do is tell BIM 360 that this model coordination folder that I've created is the designated space for model coordination in BIM 360. Now, I don't have to name it model coordination, I could name it anything I'd like. But, it's important that I go into this…
