From the course: Introduction to BIM 360: Next Gen

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BIM 360 modules

BIM 360 modules

- So as I mentioned in the last video, BIM 360 has a lot of different tools. To help us all keep things straight, those tools are arranged into different modules. Let's see how it works. We're going to look at BIM 360 as being made up of four major modules. There's a little more to it than we're going to discuss here but for the purposes of this course, these four are just perfect. The first is BIM 360 Docs. The main function of BIM 360 Docs is document management. Well, what does that mean? One way to think of it is that you can store almost any type or number of files in BIM 360 Docs. So that's the first, most basic function of BIM 360 Docs, storage. Docs provides a place where you can store your project files and FYI, there's no limit to how many files you can store or how much space you can take up. Speaking of that, a typical project has lots of files and that can get messy in a hurry. So BIM 360 gives you tools to…
