From the course: Introduction to 3D

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UV mapping

UV mapping

- [Instructor] Let's go a little bit deeper into texture mapping and show you how to precisely map textures to objects. Now we've taken a look at basic projections, but most 3-D software will have what's called UV editing. And UV editing is basically mapping a flat, 2-D image to a 3-D object. And most software will have what's called a UV editor. So here we have a simple box with really only six faces. Now if I select one of those faces, in the UV editor, you can see how that corresponds to this area, over the image that it is mapped to. Now we can take that, and we can move it in the editor to adjust the mapping, or we can go down to what's called the UV level, and actually control it on a point-by-point basis. So this gives us very fine control over how this image is mapped to the object. And again remember the image is the unfolded version of the object. So if I were to take this here and you can see how again, it's…
