From the course: Internal Interviewing

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Pre-interview research and prep

Pre-interview research and prep

From the course: Internal Interviewing

Pre-interview research and prep

- I don't know about you, but I love lists. Checklists, to-do lists, timelines, I just love lists. I get a sense of accomplishment when I can check something off my list. And I get a secure feeling knowing that everything is listed in one place. Well, a pre-interview preparation sheet, or checklist, will calm your nerves and help you identify any gaps that might exist in your ability to pursue the internal interview. Your checklist should include, a list of people you'll set out to meet with for insight on the job. Questions to ask during those meetings, trying to ask similar questions of everyone, so you can compare their responses and look for patterns. A matrix, or grid, of the key attributes of the ideal candidate for that position, with your own skills and attributes laid alongside, to see how you match up. Inventory of the certifications, training, and credentials you have, and those needed for the job. As you work through your checklist, some things might show up for you. For…
