From the course: Internal Interviewing

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If you don't get the job

If you don't get the job

- Bummer, they chose someone else. Maybe you even know the person selected or perhaps they hired from outside the company. Either way, you aren't moving on to the new position and now you have a choice. You can go back to your current job with a sour attitude and grieve the disappointment or you could show true professionalism, carry your head high as you recommit to your work. The first thing to do when you're notified that the position isn't yours is to own the disappointment. You will likely feel let down in the news, frustrated at what you might perceive to be unfair treatment, or start questioning what you could've done differently to get a different outcome. All of this is perfectly normal. But to go back to your current job, you need to keep things in perspective. This wasn't the right job for you. That doesn't mean you're not a solid candidate for another opening and it certainly doesn't mean you should question your current role. Many factors go into a hiring decision. This…
