From the course: Internal Interviewing

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Identifying the needs of the new role

Identifying the needs of the new role

From the course: Internal Interviewing

Identifying the needs of the new role

- Let me tell you a story about George. George is an awesome financial analyst in a large software company. He knew that the company valued promoting from within, so when an opportunity developed to lead a creative team on a critical new project, he enthusiastically applied. George knew that people in the company respected him, many even liked him and invited him out for social events after work. He had been given three raises in his 10 years at the company, so he felt pretty confident about the interview. But George forgot to consider one question. Will the interviewers, these people who knew him and his work so well, be able to envision him in a role other than the one through which he'd built a great reputation? In fact, the reason George didn't get the new job is because the hiring manager couldn't understand how his skills in finance and his analytical thinking would be of benefit to someone managing graphic designers and copywriters on a high profile project. See, George assumed…
