From the course: Intermediate Kotlin for Android Developers

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Anko layouts: Anko Support plugin

Anko layouts: Anko Support plugin

- [Instructor] The Anko support plugin is available for Android Studio. It allows you to preview your component classes directly in the IDE. To install it, you'll want to go to plugins, which is available through quick actions, command shift A, and search for plugins, and then at the top in your search bar, you can look for Anko Support. Now if it's not available, then click on search and repositories and then you'll see it listed here and you can install it and then restart Android Studio. Now once that's completed, let's go ahead and close this side pane and anywhere inside of our component, we can do another command shift A, and this time, we're going to type Anko Layout Preview. Now this opens up our preview pane, similar to what we've seen with our XML layouts. And you can also access this if you go up to the toolbar through view, tool windows, and then down to Anko layout preview. Now sometimes your preview may look like this. It's grayed out, and that's typically due to the…
