From the course: Identity Threat Protection with Sentinel

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Enabling UEBA for identity threat detection in Sentinel

Enabling UEBA for identity threat detection in Sentinel

From the course: Identity Threat Protection with Sentinel

Enabling UEBA for identity threat detection in Sentinel

- [Instructor] Imagine you're the leader of a top secret spy team, where every member's behavior is predictable and in line with the mission. One day you notice a change. A trusted spy starts acting out of character, visiting places they've never needed to go at hours that don't make sense. This change in behavior triggers an alarm prompting an immediate investigation to protect the team's secrets. This is not a scene from a spy movie. It's a real world application of user and entity behavior analytics, UEBA in cybersecurity, just like our fictional spy team, UEBA helps organizations to detect when someone within their ranks start acting suspiciously, potentially posing a threat to the organization's digital assets. UEBA is important for a few reasons. Firstly, advanced detection. It goes beyond static security rules using machine learning to understand normal behavior and flag deviations. UEBA is also important for spotting potentially malicious actions from within, whether it's from…
