From the course: Hybrid Project Management: Do What Works

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Strategies for applying hybrid approaches to your projects

Strategies for applying hybrid approaches to your projects

From the course: Hybrid Project Management: Do What Works

Strategies for applying hybrid approaches to your projects

- Thank you for spending time with me learning about hybrid project management and how you can view it as a buffet, a little bit of this and a little bit of that to address your project's needs. I want to leave you with a couple of tips to further your exploration of hybrid project management. If you work predominantly on Agile projects, spend some time viewing some of the other hundred-plus courses on project management in LinkedIn Learning's library and learn some new skills using predictive methods. If you come from a background that mostly uses predictive methods, check out some of the 50-plus Agile courses available in the learning library. In my opinion, hybrid project management is the future of project management. It isn't enough to only be skilled in managing projects with well-defined fixed scope, or only be skilled in leading teams in projects with evolving scope. I think you need to be equally skilled in both and…
