From the course: Hybrid Project Management: Do What Works

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Project roles and responsibilities in Hybrid projects

Project roles and responsibilities in Hybrid projects

From the course: Hybrid Project Management: Do What Works

Project roles and responsibilities in Hybrid projects

- You're familiar with project managers and perhaps scrum masters. You've also probably heard of project sponsors or product owners, but how are these roles different, and how are they the same? Let's look at how different roles take on the functions associated with project oversight and leadership. Projects that use a predictive approach such as the Cure Building Construction, typically have a sponsor and a project manager. In many organizations, it's the sponsor who charters the project. The project manager may have a dotted line reporting responsibility to the sponsor for the duration of the project. It's the sponsor who will approve the project charter, project management plan and significant changes. Often the sponsor funds the project. A good sponsor can help the project manager achieve the project objectives by removing roadblocks and resolving issues that are beyond the project manager's authority. A sponsor can…
