From the course: Hybrid Project Management: Do What Works

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Different ways to deliver value

Different ways to deliver value

- Projects exist to deliver value. But how exactly do they do that? Well, there's four ways projects can deliver value: predictive approaches for scope that's relatively stable, iterative and incremental where scope evolves based on stakeholder feedback, and adaptive or agile where scope also evolves, but scheduled sprints or iterations deliver value at a set cadence. Using these methods, we'll examine how you can determine the best way to approach your own projects. Now throughout this course, I'm going to use an example of a career upskill reskill education, CURE, project to demonstrate different concepts. CURE is an adult education center that provides training and career skills for people transitioning jobs or reentering the workforce. CURE will have a building for in-person learning, various class offerings, an online learning platform, and a website. While the CURE project may be quite different from projects you…
