From the course: How to Rock an Interview

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Sell yourself naturally

Sell yourself naturally

- [Interviewer] And now when you talk about selling yourself could you provide maybe just a couple example sentences to orient us a little bit like, "Oh no, that's not "going too far, that's just right?" - [Guest] One of the things I tell people is, "Okay, you're an introvert. "You have a quiet personality. "I'm not going to force you to memorize a script "saying I am the greatest manager ever, and, you know, "I leave all the other candidates in the dust." And so that's not going to feel natural and that's not going to make a great impression by going too far in that direction either. So I always, you know, talk to people about how to find a way to say it in their voice, a way to talk about their accomplishments in their voice, to make sure that the interviewer is hearing it and is suitably impressed, but without it feeling over the top for them. And that's why practice I think is huge too for people who are a little bit…
