From the course: How to Get a Job in Climate

Real-world examples of people in climate careers

From the course: How to Get a Job in Climate

Real-world examples of people in climate careers

- Before we dive into the nitty gritty of how to get a job in climate, I want to share the stories of a few people who have successfully transitioned their careers to climate full-time. Starting with me, my name is Natalie Lavery, and I do marketing for a climate tech recruitment agency called Climate People. Climate People operates with the sole mission of getting as many people working on climate solutions as possible. I started my career in grassroots environmental advocacy and quickly learned that boots-on-the-ground campaigning was not for me. I left the environmental space and took a marketing job at a tech company. I didn't feel satisfied in this tech role, but felt as though there was no space for my skillset in climate tech. That was until I met the founder of Climate People, Brendan, over LinkedIn. He opened my eyes to the possibility of a career in climate and I haven't looked back since. I'm not alone in this journey. Meet some of the individuals that climate People helped land a job in climate, inspire me every day, starting with no one other than the ex NASA engineer, Kira Olson, who transitioned her career to lend her skills to electrifying transportation. She touches on why she wanted to transition from research to a more tangible and action-focused role. - I really wanted to move onto the action-moving-us-forward-solution side of things. And so that was really the kind of the mental shift that I came to, that there are many ways to address the climate crisis, many things that are really important to be done. I found that for myself, I really wanted to be engaged kind of with a team moving things forward - [Natalie] Followed by Janet Lee, who took a role as a head of product at an artificial intelligence weather prediction company. Janet shares how her current company wanted climate experience that she did not have. She was able to highlight her transferrable skills from her experience in big tech and land the job. - I really enjoy learning about the science behind weather forecasting, and I know this is a cliche, but I wake up every morning excited to go to work to try to figure out how to help people make better decisions in the face of climate change. - Now that you've heard the stories of people in different industries and sectors with varying levels of experience who have transitioned their careers to climate, let's jump into how you can pave your unique path.
