From the course: How to Follow Up on a Job Application

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How to stay in contact with potential employers

How to stay in contact with potential employers

From the course: How to Follow Up on a Job Application

How to stay in contact with potential employers

- When a company says they're having a hiring freeze and won't extend any offers for the job you want or they'd like to hire for a role but the timing isn't quite right, you should take this as a great sign. What? How does that make any sense? Well, it means that if you get the time right like an atomic clock of job seekers, you can snatch up the job before it hits job boards again. It's all about keeping in contact and being there when they're ready to hire for your skills. Let's take a look at how often to reach out to a company and what to say to stay in touch. Keeping in touch with the company shows passion, drive and you're also helping the companies save time. That's right. The reason why companies like to hire people who are already in their network or are actively showing interest in a role is because companies have very limited time and it's easier to hire someone who's coming to them and pursuing the role…
