From the course: How to Follow Up on a Job Application

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How to get a job referral

How to get a job referral

- You've sent another resume into the abyss of an applicant tracking system. You're frustrated because you aren't hearing back. Well, here's a new way to view this. Computers and resume databases don't get people jobs, people get people jobs. So your mission in this lesson is to make sure your resume is seen by a human by getting referred into a role. And you'll be able to do this without having pre-existing relationships at a company. The first step is to identify someone to reach out to at the company. So you'll go to the business' company page on LinkedIn, click the link to see all employees who work there, and start perusing profiles. What you're looking for is someone you have something in common with. The first thought we go to is having a mutual connection. If you do, then that's fantastic. That is what LinkedIn is all about. You can ask that connection to make an introduction for you, or send a message…
