From the course: How to Follow Up on a Job Application

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How to follow up on a job application

How to follow up on a job application

- After your application is submitted to a company, it's time to simply wait patiently until they finally decide to contact you, right? Wrong, my friend. Persistent job seekers land more offers. Companies are really busy, and they aren't constantly thinking about your interview process, so your reminders are helpful. I'll show you exactly how to be the candidate who follows up on their job application and stands out among the rest. The first step is to notify the hiring manager that you applied immediately after you submit the application. It may seem like overkill, like ordering something on Crate & Barrel and then emailing the customer support to let them know that you just ordered. But trust me, it is absolutely not like that. When you tell a hiring manager that you applied, this shows that you're passionate and is a quick reminder for them to head into the applicant tracking system and take a gander at your…
