From the course: How to Follow Up on a Job Application

A stalled job process isn't the end

- What do most job seekers do when they don't hear back from a company, hiring for a role is postponed or they are rejected for a job? They give up. That creates the perfect opportunity for you to use the skills taught in this course to slide in like socks on a hardwood floor and land goes roles. I'm not a Madeline Mann, a Human Resources Leader and Career Strategist who has helped thousands of people land career defining jobs. In my career on the frontline of hiring, I've uncovered clear patterns and systems that lead to high success in the job search process. And I wake up every day excited to pass along those insights to ambitious people like you. So in this course you'll learn how to turn situations around in the job search, how to reignite the stalled interview process, how to still land a job despite a hiring freeze and finally, how do you position yourself to be considered for roles even after a rejection. The reason companies hire is because they have more work than they have people. So slow response rates are a symptom of the decision-makers overwhelmed with other things going on in the business. So let's stop lamenting a stalled hiring process and start turning these bumps in the road into massive opportunities. (bright upbeat music)
