From the course: Hiring an Employee for Managers

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Uncover unconscious bias

Uncover unconscious bias

- Best selling author and speaker, Dr. Brene Brown, says, "Lean into the discomfort." It may be uncomfortable to think, but we all have unconscious bias but by acknowledging and identifying these biases, we can learn to avoid them when interviewing applicants. Unconscious bias happens automatically, by our brain making quick judgements and assessments of people. Unconscious bias, can bring up unintentional discrimination and can be a setback in creating a diverse and inclusive company. It's important to rate everyone fairly during the hiring process. The best ways to combat unconscious bias is to ask every applicant the same exact questions and then have a rating system to assign a rating to every question, then make your decision after interviewing and tallying up all the scores. This helps to turn any first impressions into picking someone based on their actual merit, skills and abilities for the role. Let's discuss some common types of unconscious bias and ways to acknowledge and…
