From the course: Help Desk Handbook for End Users: Mobile, Networking, Security, and Troubleshooting

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Power management

Power management

- Wow, okay, just got back to the shop and need to get this chapter finished before my deadline. I, what no, really bad timing for the electricity to go out. Luckily I can adjust the power management settings on my laptop to preserve as much battery life as possible. Let's take a look. In Windows, open control panel and go to the power options applet. This gives you a lot of control over energy usage, and in the case of a portable computer, helps preserve battery life. Click the change plan settings link to show the edit plan settings dialogue box. Here you can change the brightness of the screen, a dimmer screen means the battery will last longer, and choose how quickly the screen turns off and the computer goes to sleep with inactivity. Click the change advanced power settings link to see even more granular options. You can set various components to power down after a certain time for example, like the hard drive when on battery or plugged in. Power settings help save electricity in…
