From the course: Help Desk Handbook for End Users: Mobile, Networking, Security, and Troubleshooting

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Cleaning and maintaining computers

Cleaning and maintaining computers

- Just like everything else, computers over time get dirty and need cleaning. The best thing to use on a monitor is a microfiber cloth all by itself. This cloth is also good for cleaning the outside of the case, getting rid of all that nasty, grimy stuff. You can use isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the outside of the case, or you can use a commercial cleaner, just make sure it's designed specifically for electronics. The inside of the case also gets really nasty with lots of pet dander and dust. It needs cleaning, and for that you need compressed air. This can be a pretty messy thing though, so don't be like this guy. (compressed air swooshes) (coughs) Okay, that really got the fire department called, and true story bad idea. Instead, take it outside. Accessing the inside of the case differs according to the case obviously. Usually it's just a couple of screws on the back, and then you pop the side panel off like that. To be on the safe side, put on your anti-static wrist strap and…
