From the course: Help Desk Handbook for End Users: Mobile, Networking, Security, and Troubleshooting

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AMA: Ask me anything about online security, part 2

AMA: Ask me anything about online security, part 2

- I wanted to take some time to hear from you and answer questions you might have on IT fundamentals or computer literacy. So, that's why we put together these Ask Me Anything episodes. My friend Erin is going to ask questions about stuff in this chapter from viewers like you. I also want to hear from you as well. My email is at the end of the episode. Ask me anything. - Now on to Maria from Fresno, California. - Okay. - "Do I need to keep my updating my browser?" - Yes. (laughs) Yes, of course. And the reason why is because of security, right? There are lots of really creative people out there on the internet, who want to do really bad things to you, right? I don't know why, because you're so nice. - Aww. - But they are and so they keep coming up with new ways to attack systems. And web browser companies know this, Microsoft, Apple, Google. And so, they update their browsers to protect against malicious sites, malicious software, just to give their users protection against the bad…
