From the course: Help Desk Handbook for End Users: Mobile, Networking, Security, and Troubleshooting

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AMA: Ask me anything about online security, part 1

AMA: Ask me anything about online security, part 1

- I wanted to take some time to hear from you and answer questions you might have on IT fundamentals or computer literacy. So that's why put together these ask me anything episodes. My friend, Erin, is going to ask questions about stuff in this chapter from viewers like you. I also want to hear from you as well. My email is at the end of the episode, ask me anything. - I recently got a new Windows laptop, and I want to change my browser homepage. How should I do that? - Ah, it's actually fairly easy to do in whatever browser you're using. A new Windows laptop, that means your default browser is going to be Microsoft Edge. And your default homepage is going to be Bing, which is a nice search engine. But if you want to change that to something you're more comfortable with, like Google, right? - Yes. You can do this pretty easily through the browser's settings. Getting to settings is different among the different browsers, but it's usually, oh, I don't know, in Edge for example, there…
