From the course: Guy Kawasaki on Turning Life Wisdom into Business Success

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Selling is a crucial skill

Selling is a crucial skill

- As I look back on my life, it seems to me that one of the great lessons is that selling is a crucial skill. I first learned to sell in the jewelry business believe it or not. The jewelry business is a very small business, all about trust and salesmanship, one-on-one, hand-to-hand sales. You might think, well, I'm not in sales I'm not calling on stores, I'm not trying to close deals, that's not my role. I would suggest that you rethink that because in life I think you're either making it or you're selling it. And this could be convincing someone at the United gate to put you in economy plus, or someone when you checked in to ship your surfboard for free, you are selling. People think it's only when they're applying for a job or they're trying to make a quota, you're selling. And it's an extremely valuable skill. The concept that what I'm creating is so great it'll sell itself is false. Everything has to be sold…
