From the course: Guy Kawasaki on Turning Life Wisdom into Business Success

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Getting the job

Getting the job

- The key to getting a job is to get a job anyway you can. In my case for Apple it was nepotism. It was my college classmate got me into Apple. I had a psych degree. I was working fundamentally in the jewelry business. On paper I had no reason that I should've gotten that job. It was because of nepotism. Having said that nepotism got me in, but greediness and passion for Macintosh made me succeed. And that's a very valuable lesson. Doesn't matter how you get in, it matters what you do once you are in. And, so many people would take that as a, that's a very positive message. I don't have to have the right background, i don't have to be the perfect candidate to succeed. That's partially what I'm saying. I'm also saying that if you are the perfect candidate, PhD in computer science from MIT. You know five years of experience in the computer business or the software business or the internet business. Just because you have…
