From the course: Google Cloud Platform Essential Training for Administrators

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Use Google Cloud Security, IAM

Use Google Cloud Security, IAM

- [Instructor] You set security at the level of each logged in user using what are called IAM roles and permissions. Those are identity and access management. So let's take a look. If I type in IAM in the search box here, you can see I am an admin. So I'll just go there, and you can see that it shows me what are called principles. And these look like email accounts basically. And they have really two different types. They're either service accounts which these are associated to services like a VM. So this first one, compute engine and they have a number in them. And then we have users. So here's me for example I am the owner of this particular project. Notice we have security insights. I mentioned this in an earlier movie. And this is Google recommending based on what you've been doing in this project that you can, in this case, reduce permissions. Now this is brand new. That's why I have so many excess…
