From the course: Getting Started with Technology: Think Like an Engineer

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Why use an analytics tool?

Why use an analytics tool?

- [Instructor] Let's talk about Twitter. Lots of data is being generated by Twitter every day with tweets from all around the world. Say you wanted to know what people's thoughts were for a specific TV show. Did they like it, hate it, or were okay with it? To figure this out, we need to gather all of the tweets that discuss this given TV show. Then we'd need to parse through each tweet, figuring out if the tweet was positive or negative in talking about the show. Once we have all of our tweets categorized, we need to separate them into two groups, positive and negative, so then we can further analyze these groups. In this scenario, we can see that 67% of the tweets were positive, and 23% of the tweets were negative. Based on this, we can further data mine into the tweets that liked it and see if there are any similar characteristics between these tweets, such as geographic location that the tweet came from, the age…
