From the course: Getting Started with Technology: Think Like an Engineer

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Problem-solving: Think systematically

Problem-solving: Think systematically

- [Instructor] Consider the problem of visiting your family across the country. This may seem intimidating at first, but we can break this down into small, actionable steps. In order to do this, you'll need the funds. You'll need to decide when you're going. You'll need to figure out how you're getting there and you'll need to pack. These are a lot of things that you'll need to do, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of these tasks. However, if you break the big problem down into smaller problems and then break those down as well, you'll soon have clear, actionable steps to complete the task. Figuring out transportation can also be a huge task. You have to figure out if you want to take a train, a car or an airplane. In order to decide this, you'll want to list the pros and cons of each choice. So that way you'll be able to make the most informed decision. Once you've gathered all this information, you'll be able to…
