From the course: Getting Started with Technology: Think Like an Engineer

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Making a mobile app: What it's like

Making a mobile app: What it's like

- [Instructor] Creating a mobile app requires much more logic than creating a one-page portfolio website. Since a phone has a lot less real estate for content, you'll often have buttons that help you navigate between pages. More than 25% of the apps on the App Store are games or social media themed. So most likely you'll need to know a little bit more for creating an app than you would for a simple web page. Before we jump in, let's think about what it takes to make an app. It's very similar to creating a website. First, you should ask yourself, what should this app do? Is it a social media app for sharing photos? Is that an endless running game? What are you trying to accomplish with this mobile application? After you have a general idea, you should draw out all of the views and pages you want the user to see. Check out the wireframing video for more details on this. With your idea drawn out, this is where the…
