From the course: Getting Started with Technology: Think Like an Engineer

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Efficiency is key

Efficiency is key

- [Instructor] In thinking about efficiency, let's think about a closet. Your closet will have pants, coats, socks, and shirts, but some of these items you'll wear more than others. This is just like in code, where there are some processes you'll use more often at a given time. Think of your closet like the place where you have all of your code. In order to be efficient in picking out what you want to wear, your closet should be organized. And this is the same for your code in your app or website. Say it's summertime, but your coats are in the middle of your closet. We might want to reorganize, so that way, our shirts are in the middle rather than our coats, because we'll be wearing them a lot in the summer. So if we move the coats to a different shelf, and place the shirts in a more accessible space, the middle of our closet, it will be easier to access the t-shirts we wear every single day. However, if this was…
