From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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What is lofting?

What is lofting?

- [Instructor] Extruding profiles is cool and all, but there are other tools that can create much more complex shapes than just extruding out a sketched profile. This is going to be a quick example of what a loft is, and in the following videos I'll show you specifically how to set this up. But I just want to show you what a loft is right now. I have three profiles here. Kind of see that they are aligned. I also have this little curly Q down here, which we'll get into in a later video, but I want to show you what a loft is. You go to Create, Loft. And right now I'm using the 2-11 Lofting Example if you want to follow along. But you select one profile. Another. And another. And click OK. And you turn off the sketches if you want. We now have a super complex shape that is a rectangle flowing to a circle through, let me turn these back on, a diamond in the center. And again, these are very resilient sort of things. You change one of the sketch objects and your loft will dynamically…
