From the course: Foundational JavaScript Security

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Injection threat

Injection threat

- [Instructor] Over this chapter, we're going to go through the list of a few of the top security threats as listed by the OWASP organization. If you'd like more details about the most current security issues, solutions, and code snippets, visit for more information. There are many injection attacks, such as SQL injection and JavaScript injections, and are one of the most common security issue in this category, and is referred to us cross site scripting attacks, or XSS. This attack is basically when malicious code is executed inside of a user input. The danger in this threat is automated code that goes through your public pages and sends code that executes once the form is submitted. Many frameworks such as React and Angular have means to escape the bad code. And it submits the input as a string, but not all frameworks are made equal. So let me show you an example here. And you can go to this page by going to…
