From the course: Focusing on the Bottom Line as an Employee

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Understanding the books

Understanding the books

- If you work for a public company, all of your company financials are publicly available and by reading these numbers you can tell a lot about how your company's doing. There are generally three sets of numbers that are filed regularly: a balance sheet, an income statement, and a cash flow statement. The balance sheet gives a snapshot of a company's financial health. On one side of the statement it shows what the company owns. This includes cash, equipment, property, assets, and money owed to the company. On the other side it shows what the company owes to others. This includes loans, bonds, shareholder equity, and payments owed. The two most important numbers to look for are the cash on hand and the amount of debt the company has. On the cash side, you want to see a lot of it. You also want to know that the company has the ability to pay its bills and it doesn't have an excessive amount of debt in the short term. To get a better picture you need to also look at the income statement.…
