From the course: Focusing on the Bottom Line as an Employee

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Grow your financial understanding

Grow your financial understanding

- Thanks for joining me, as we looked inside companies to see how the money flows. Hopefully you're feeling better equipped to explore the financial operations in your company, and make more informed bottom line decisions. The best advice I can leave you with is to think like an owner and ask questions like, how will an economic event impact our pricing and margins? What are some untapped sources of revenue? Who is our most profitable customer? What are some efficiencies that I can create in my department? Is there a more efficient way to manage the supplier and reduce our costs? Now, this course is a great start, but there's always more to learn, so where to from here? How about an accounting course, so you can read financial statements? I'd recommend Accounting Foundations, by Jim and Kay Stice. Expand your media diet to include industry publications and general finance news, and keep your ear to the ground so that you're one step ahead of changes. Now, as my homework to you, if you…
