From the course: Finding New Career Paths with SQL

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SQL in digital marketing

SQL in digital marketing

- [Instructor] When most people think of the SQL language, they probably think of the more traditional analyst role. You might imagine someone crunching numbers and using Excel formulas to create reports for a company to review. Well, that's part of it. There's actually lots of room for creativity and ingenuity. A data analyst is usually responsible for gathering and organizing data to present in a report. They often gather the data into spreadsheets or other tools to present data in tables, charts and graphs. As an analyst, the job is to present the data in a way that helps people understand the story. So it's not just the numbers, but the message we want the data to tell us. In marketing analytics, the SQL language is commonly used for inquiries about a company's past performance so they can get insight on how well they're doing. For smaller datasets, Excel works great. However, for complex and larger datasets, the…
