From the course: Finding New Career Paths with SQL

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Mobile app development and knowledge transfer

Mobile app development and knowledge transfer - SQL Tutorial

From the course: Finding New Career Paths with SQL

Mobile app development and knowledge transfer

- [Instructor] Relational databases for mobile are very similar to those for the web. In web development, we usually have a client-server relationship, where the client sends a request to the server, and in return, the server sends a response back to the client with the data requested. Some mobile apps will keep a local copy of the database for quick access, and for offline access when the network is not connected. In order to do this, databases for mobile have to be lightweight, because we have limited resources in a smaller device. SQLite is an example of a lightweight relational database management system, and a great option for mobile and IoT. SQLite is both efficient and simple, and it's included in both Android and iOS operating systems. Keep in mind that if you're using a distributed solution, or there is more than one person writing to the database at the same time, it may not be best to use a solution like SQLite.…
