From the course: Finding New Career Paths with SQL

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Descriptive analytics and research

Descriptive analytics and research - SQL Tutorial

From the course: Finding New Career Paths with SQL

Descriptive analytics and research

- [Instructor] You might already be familiar with descriptive analytics and not even realize it. Analysts commonly use many of these functions to help answer questions about their company data every day. We use aggregate functions such as sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, the median, standard deviation and variance, and these built-in functions can vary depending on the DBMS. We can even create stored functions to replicate more of the advanced functions, such as mode and correlation coefficients. In descriptive analytics, we use these statistical functions to describe a dataset, and this is very common in data science and research. A dataset contains features and labels, and the goal was to find insights, to make sense of what has happened in the past and make predictions for the future. We organize the data to find the patterns and the trends. We can perform some simple statistic measures using built-in functions…
