From the course: Executive Decision-Making

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Taking a broad perspective

Taking a broad perspective

- Now that I've covered the principles behind executive decision-making and offered several examples, let's take a step back from this topic and look at it from a broader perspective. Some things that you should remember as you enter one of these decision-making processes are, first, executive decision-making is exponentially more complex given the scope of the decisions you're making, the duration of those decisions, as well as the risks involved in making them. Second, understanding all of these factors as it relates to the decision helps you make better overall decisions that are well thought out. Remember, you won't always make the right call. You have to accept that. You'll rarely be liked for some of the decisions that you make. We're talking about layoffs or shutting things down, or shifting major investments. You're going to be making these decisions at great risk to the organization as well as to your…
