From the course: Executive Decision-Making

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Determining who's involved

Determining who's involved

- One element of successful executive decision-making is clearly articulating who's going to be involved in making the decision. Not everyone has a seat at the table, even though they want one or think they should be involved. Clearly define who's involved and how the decision is going to be made. Explain the style of decision-making you're going to use. There are four decision-making styles you can use: autocratic, where there's one person making the decision; democratic, where the organization is going to vote on the decision; participatory, where it's a small body of people who make the decision and other people have input; and then consensus-based decision making, where everyone has to agree before we make a decision. Communicate clearly to the organization who's going to be involved and what their role is in the decision-making process. Will the person be a participant? Are they a consultant? Are they the person who…
