From the course: Executive Decision-Making

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Defining your measures

Defining your measures

- When you go to make an executive decision to find short-term, medium-term and long-term measures for how you're going to look at success. Those measures should be quantitative as well as qualitative. Look at things like customer impacts, revenues, profits, costs, Net Promoter Scores, associate survey comments. Document what the metrics are and track them over time. Now, make this a manageable set of metrics. The way I encourage people to think about it is only track the metrics that will change the answer, that will cause you to go back and change your decision. One example that I had was we were looking at changing our commissions for some outsource vendors. We paid these outsource vendors tens of millions of dollars per year. This was going to have huge financial implications, it was also going to affect our customers. We wanted to change compensation because it was going to save on costs, and hopefully drive top…
