From the course: Executive Coaching

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Crucial early impressions: Connection

Crucial early impressions: Connection

From the course: Executive Coaching

Crucial early impressions: Connection

- Another crucial early impression is the level of connection leaders feel with their coach. The connection question running through their minds is this: Do I like spending time with you? To connect with your leader, come to the meeting with one, a preconnected mindset, two, a positive presence, and three, proactive interests. I learned about the first factor, a preconnected mindset, from a leader I coached who was exceptionally effective at creating instant chemistry with all kinds of people. He wasn't especially charismatic or charming, but everyone felt comfortable around him. Differences just melted away. I asked him how he did it. And he said, "If I'm meeting someone for the first time, I make the decision before I meet with them that we're already connected. There must be hopes or values we share. There must be something. Now, maybe this person will turn out to be one of the most important people in my life and this just happens to be our first conversation. What if I knew that…
