From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Create custom views

Create custom views

- [Instructor] We're looking at a worksheet, a very busy worksheet that has a lot going on. Practically every numerical cell here, except for the blue ones, are formulas. And as I work with this, imagine I scroll up and down and change numbers as needed, I'm forever adjusting it. I scroll left and right, that's fine. But I also use this for presentation purposes. Sometimes I want to display all of this. I'll have to zoom back, of course. sometimes I want to display only the quarters, or maybe sometimes I want to display some of the detail, but not all of it. So let's start with the idea that I always want to return to a certain look. So let's say I'll use the zoom slider button in the lower right-hand corner, or pressing Control and zooming with the mouse wheel. I want to get this on the screen in such a way, and one little tip that's handy here if I want to see this data here as large as it can be, I'll highlight it.…
