From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Use the FILTER dynamic array function

Use the FILTER dynamic array function - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

Use the FILTER dynamic array function

[Instructor] Here is some city data and it is sorted alphabetically by the city name, and now we would like to extract certain records from it. We've been asked to provide a list of these cities that do not have a mayor listed. So I'm going to go down to this cell and use the filter function. Equals, filter, open parenthesis, filter what. We've been asked for this data. The population was not requested. Okay. So, comma, include what? Include where, the mayor column, equals, empty, close parentheses. Enter. Look at that and we can verify Xanthic Lake doesn't have a mayor in cell F16 and Xanthic Lake is listed in our dynamic array result. So look at this another way. Let's make it a little more complex. We want the data that has no mayor listed and a population of less than 100,000. Equals, filter, double click, the array. This time let's grab the entire data set. Comma, include what? Because we want multiple…
