From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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What you should know

What you should know

- [Instructor] Okay, so let's talk through what you should know before you start this course. So you're going to want to have some intermediate Excel skills. You don't need to be an expert, but you do want to be beyond the beginner stage. We're going to be using a handful of advanced functions like SUMIFS and INDEX MATCH, to aggregate a lot of this information. We're also going to be combining a handful of basic functions to build fairly robust schedules. So I would say if you have intermediate Excel skills, that's a great place to start. Secondly, you want to have basic accounting knowledge of US GAAP. Namely, first off, it's the accounting equation, total assets equals total liabilities plus owners equity, as well as a big picture understanding of the three statements. You don't need to know how they're all interconnected. We're going to talk through that in detail. Just directionally, we've got the income statement, the…
