From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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What you're going to build

What you're going to build

- [Instructor] Okay, so now that we've talked through what you should know for the course, let's take a look at exactly what we're going to build. So, the course starts off with a real phone call from the CFO of this company, and he's going to be sending us a spreadsheet that looks kind of like this. It's sort of junky, it's not formatted very well. I've got a bunch of notes here in yellow and a bunch of poorly formatted numbers over here. Looks like I've got an income statement. At least that's labeled, that's helpful. Also have a balance sheet, but that's about all I know. There's nothing else down here. And if I scroll to the right, I can see everything is really not formatted that well at all. I don't know what time period I have or anything like that. And this is actually very common to get in the FP&A setting. Nobody's going to hand you a pretty spreadsheet that's perfectly laid out. More often than not, it's going to…
