From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Quick cleanup

Quick cleanup

- [Instructor] All right, so I know we need to model out the debt schedule next, but what we're going to do first is actually just zoom out and take a little bit of a break and check our model as a whole, to make sure that we are in the right place before we move on to the final section. And so we're just going to do that by working our way up from the bottom, which is a good way to check your model in reverse and make sure that we have everything captured. And also, another good idea sometimes is just to walk away from the computer in general. A lot of times I'll think of what I need to do or need to add to a model by just taking a break. And so, doing that in combination with just zooming out and checking your work is a great habit and practice to get into before you keep just going down into the weeds and building more of the model. So, perfect example here. I just left out some notes for this section, right?…
