From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Pre-summary cleanup

Pre-summary cleanup

- [Instructor] All right, so now we're ready to move on from in-the-weeds modeling to more of a communication and presentation mindset. And so now I'm thinking about, "What am I going to be presenting to the CFO now that I have this detailed monthly model?" And for starters, I'm just going to start with an annual summary that I can all link into one page, the view from 50,000 feet that everybody loves to talk about. And then as we have more and more discussions, I can add incremental summaries as needed, but I want to make sure that I have all the underlying detail ready to go in my monthly model so that when I build out the one-pager, it's very easy to do. So I just want to make a couple changes in this video to our layout, into our covenants, so that when we link things up, it is quick and easy. So the first is let's just actually copy... this to an annual section. So I can just copy the final column there paste it…
